Summertime in Australia has been Bea-u-ti-ful and we have been taking advantage of the great outdoors this summer. Amy and I took a camping trip up to Seal Rocks, about 3 hours North of Sydney to try out the fishing there.
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We stayed at
Treachery Beach, a great location and awesome campground. The beach itself is an incredible sight. From the campground, you hike over a 6 story sand dune and at the crest, the whole horizon is taken up by huge, perfect waves, broad, pristine beach, and massive cliffs.
Treachery Beach, deserted and beautiful.
It is a wild, ocean beach in every sense.

We hiked up and down it, watching incredible displays of surfing prowess and even saw for the first time in person, people tow-in surfing. This is a technique used to catch large waves using a boat or jet-ski to get the surfer up to speed and in the perfect spot for the wave.
Sweet wave
The next day, we ventured over to Seal Rocks to try fishing off of the cliffs. This was not meant to be. We had brought the rubber boat and motor and planned to troll around. The waves didnt look big from shore but once on the water it quickly became apparent that if we continued, we would capsize or simply sink the boat. Not far from shore, we got turned sideways and were thrown out of the boat. Sunglasses were lost, and someone got fishooked during the forced evacuation.
It was not one of our prouder moments and no, there are no pictures of it.
We settled for taking the boat to a lake in the area and napped/fished in more placid conditions.
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Bluey's Beach
On our last day, we stopped on the way home at Bluey's Beach. This was a locals beach in an area that is not very populated. We were once again treated to some impressive surfing and beautiful waves breaking off of the point nearest to us.
Ejected out of the barrel, so cruel
On the other hand, this guy is absolutely killing it. Win.
Treachery was a great place to spend some time and we look to go back there when we can have some calmer conditions to avenge ourselves.